Animal Feed - Pacific Seafood

Fish-Based Animal Feed Ingredients

There is an increasing demand for meat, eggs and dairy products from animals fed with alternative nutrient sources; that is, natural, sustainable ingredients without antibiotics, not genetically modified, have improved ratios of omega-3 to omega-6 fats and can boost DHA and EPA fatty acids.

We manufacture and market natural and sustainable fish-based animal feed ingredients. All of our products are derived from marine fish and shellfish originally harvested and processed for human consumption. Feed ingredients we supply include novel high-protein fish concentrates, traditional fish meals, best quality fish bone meal, crab and shrimp shell meals, omega-3 EPA + DHA-rich marine fish oils, and condensed fish solubles. These products have application in the production of natural-based and conventional animal feeds.

Please review the following ingredients to learn more about how we can help in formulation and manufacturing of animal feeds.