Pacific Seafood CSR Report 2022

17 SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENT VALUE CREATION & QUALITY (VCQ) COMMUNITY TEAM MEMBERS Whole Fish Utilization Annually we prevent more than 80 million pounds of rest protein from entering U.S. landfills by turning fish waste such as skin and bones into usable products like fish meals and oils. Energy Reduction Commitment Emissions Reduction We are an approved carrier of SmartWay, an EPA program to help improve supply chain efficiency. In 2021, Pacific Seafood headquarters in Clackamas lowered energy consumption by 15% and those savings continue annually. EACH YEAR WE PREVENT MORE THAN 80million pounds of rest protein from entering U.S. landfills by Making useable products like fish meals, oils, FERTILIZER, and even PET FOOD! 290 Trucks 120 Trailers WE HAVE A FLEET OF MORE THAN & 15% Energy consumption at corporate headquarters STARTING IN 2021